News and Reviews
Star Wars Page
Video: Cargo (12-29-13)
A heart-breaking (not heart-eating) story of the zombie apocalypse...
Review: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug by David J. Fowlie (12-13-13)
Just a reminder that dragons may not be trainable after all...
Knights of Badassdom At Last? by Derek McCaw (12-12-13)
It could be a cult classic... if we're truly going to see what was intended...
The Mauve Wednesday Fanboy Planet Podcast Holiday Gift Guide! (12-12-13)
Gift suggestions for the discerning nerd in your life! Even more gifts added!
Video: Sweethearts of the Galaxy - "Wish Granted" (12-12-13)
Two cosplayers turn superhero when an accident happens at a convention...
Movies: The Summer of 2013 (11-21-13)
A complex and beautiful infographic that almost makes up for After Earth being on it...
VIDEO: The REAL Batman Vs. Superman by Derek McCaw (11-14-13)
Kevin Conroy and Tim Daly give us the superhero battle we want, not what we need...
Review: Thor: The Dark World by Derek McCaw (11-08-13)
A little hammy, a little more sci fi than fantasy, but overall a solid chapter...
Disney Gives Us Star Wars For Christmas -- 2015 by Derek McCaw (11-07-13)
Two years from now in a multiplex near, near to you...
Happy Halloween! Video: Rewind by Drew Campbell and Jason Salazar (10-29-13)
A chilling little horror film by our own Salazar, starring Rob Campbell...
75 Years Of Superman In Two Minutes by Derek McCaw (10-15-13)
Zack Snyder and Bruce Timm produce this tribute, released ahead of Man of Steel's blu-ray...
A Long Time Ago In A Century 22 Far, Far Away... by Derek McCaw (10-12-13)
Waxing nostalgic about waiting for that very first Star Wars, back before it was A New Hope...
Ultron, Lies and Videotape by Derek McCaw (08-29-13)
James Spader will play Ultron against The Avengers, but in what form?
Sam Bower's Jokes of the Week: Ben Affleck As Batman by Sam Bowers (08-29-13)
Sam invites your editor-in-chief to provide commentary on Ben Affleck donning the cowl...
Movie Review: The World's End by David J. Fowlie (08-23-13)
The apocalypse will be inebriated...
Why We Will Survive Ben Affleck As The Dark Knight by Derek McCaw (08-23-13)
Yesterday's announcement was ridiculously huge news, but is it important?
Movie Review: Elysium by David J. Fowlie (08-16-13)
David continues catching up for us. And he's right -- why are they always dystopias?
Higher Power Confirms Colm Feore as The Vulture by Derek McCaw (08-05-13)
Marc Webb denied it, but publicists for indie sci fi film let the cat out of the bag...
Movie Review: The Wolverine by David J. Fowlie (08-03-13)
It has been a busy summer, and because we're not Wolverine, it took us a while to get to this.
Play Around On The Shaun of the Dead Interactive Screenplay by Derek McCaw (08-02-13)
Get ready for The World's End by revisiting the beginning of "The Three Flavours Trilogy"...
Marvel Releases New Poster For Thor: The Dark World aka Waiting For Loki (08-01-13)
Almost everybody involved in this Asgardian epic now crowded on one poster!
First Glimpse of Peter Dinklage as X-Men Enemy Bolivar Trask by Derek McCaw (08-01-13)
He will build the Sentinels in Days of Future Past...
Video: Rock the Block: The Story of the Cactus Club by Lon Lopez (08-01-13)
Spare an hour for this great documentary about a little rock club that could...
SDCC 2013:The Godzilla Encounter by Derek McCaw (08-01-13)
Yes, we've faced down the King of the Monsters and lived to tweet about it...
Video: Ryan Kwanten Is "Eddie B" (aka Venom) In #Truthinjournalism (07-31-13)
It's a bit unsettling, but that's the way Venom really should be in this short film...
SDCC 2013: The Ender's Game Exhibit (07-29-13)
Lionsgate pulls out the stops in San Diego to put you into Battle School...
SDCC 2013: Tom Hiddleston Rules (07-26-13)
Tom Hiddleston explains the plot of Thor: The Dark World with action figures...
SDCC 2013: Loki Rules (07-25-13)
See Tom Hiddleston hold Hall H in the palm of his hand...
Beyond The Pacific Rim by J. Dobbs Rosa (07-17-13)
All the Jaegers and corporate cross-overs that just did not make it into the final film...
Movie Review: Turbo by Derek McCaw (07-17-13)
The little snail that could...
Movie Review: Pacific Rim by David J. Fowlie (07-12-13)
Robots vs. Monsters... that about sums it up... but it's a glorious sum...
Agent Carter To Debut At Comic-Con 2013 by Derek McCaw (07-12-13)
Hayley Atwell returns, fighting on after Captain America went into the ice...
Video: Saving Mr. Banks Trailer (07-11-13)
Tom Hanks plays Walt Disney... for some that will be enough!
Movie Review: Despicable Me 2 by Derek McCaw (07-05-13)
Now with even more Minion action... which can't help but overwhelm the ...love story?
Movie Review: The Lone Ranger by Derek McCaw (07-04-13)
Pretty sure Gore Verbinski is messing around with Jim now, too...
Movie Review: Monsters University by Drew Simchik (07-04-13)
Because we do love our nerdy monsters...
Movie Review: Fast and Furious 6 by David J. Fowlie (05-28-13)
Of course you realize this makes the franchise the 21st century Star Wars...
Movie Review: The Hangover Part III by Derek McCaw (05-23-13)
Reaching for a different kind of experience, but hobbled by its success...
Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness by Ric Bretschneider (05-22-13)
Just like Kirk's favorite novel, it was the best of Treks, it was the worst of Treks...
Movie Review: The Great Gatsby by Derek McCaw (05-10-13)
An iconic novel becomes an over-the-top film -- light as champagne yet resonating with today.
Loss of a Titan: Ray Harryhausen 1920-2013 by Christopher J. Garcia (05-07-13)
Garcia remembers a man who gave generations a sense of wonder...
Movie Review: Iron Man 3 by Derek McCaw (05-03-13)
Tony Stark returns, finding his way to being his own man again...
VIDEO: Introducing Action Figure Action Movie by Lon Lopez (04-29-13)
Lon returns with the greatest action movie ever made ...with action figures!
Movie Review: Sparks by Joe Vanourney (04-07-13)
Superhero noir hits Chicago April 13th!
VIDEO: Sparks Signing at Illusive Comics & Games by Derek McCaw (04-06-13)
Stars sign in Santa Clara, and it's almost like being there...
Movie Review: G.I. Joe: Retaliation by Christopher J. Garcia (04-01-13)
Let us not pretend it's great, but acknowledge that it's better than it could have been...
Sparks Coming To Nebraska! (03-08-13)
William Katt and Chris Folino descend on America's heartland....
Movie Review: OZ the Great and Powerful by Derek McCaw (03-08-13)
It all comes down to the flying monkeys, doesn't it?
Celebrating Cinequest: Photos from the Sparks World Premiere (03-07-13)
Debbie and Ric Bretschneider captures several moments from the podcast to the afterparty...
Video: Team Unicorn "For the Win" by Derek McCaw (03-06-13)
The Queens of Nerddom release their first music video...
Celebrating Cinequest: Sparks The Graphic Novel by Derek McCaw (03-05-13)
Just in case you weren't sure where to get the critically acclaimed book....
Celebrating Cinequest: The Soundtrack to Sparks by Derek McCaw (03-04-13)
A San Jose native brings his musical gifts to independent film...
Cinequest Goes Fanboy! Sparks Gets World Premiere March 1 by Derek McCaw (01-29-13)
Chris Folino's indie graphic novel comes to film -- and we have the trailer!
Rob Corddry, Zombie Method Actor by Derek McCaw (01-24-13)
Corddry shows us how it's done from the set of Warm Bodies...
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