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Comic-Con Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2012:
Weekend Cosplay Part 7

Ric Bretschneider keeps an eye out for the costumes -- some good, some bad, some fantastic! Let's share a few now, and keep the mockery to a minimum. These people are brave, all of them, and having fun. Good for them, and just rest assured that I understand that spandex is a privilege, not a right.

I cannot get enough Venture Brothers cosplay.

I can't quite figure it out, but one of them really stands out...

Ah... I think I get Pokemon now...

At your mercy. I know she's someone specific. I just can't place the name.

Someone still stands for good old-fashioned values and decolletage.

That scar looked hecka real.

I'll admit to what you're thinking. Every now and then we may have accidentally photographed a serial killer.

Ah, Mr. Craddock... ...

Not enough people realize how flexible the Green Lantern costume can be...

He makes me think this is an old Doctor Who team; she makes me think I'm missing a videogame connection...

Perhaps. But he works it better than I would.

I would like this costume, please.


Costume Gallery 1

Costume Gallery 2

Costume Gallery 3

Costume Gallery 4

Costume Gallery 5

Costume Gallery 6

Costume Gallery 7

Costume Gallery 8

Costume Gallery 9

Photos from Preview Night

Photos from Thursday

Photos from Friday



Derek McCaw



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