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Comic-Con Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2012:
Weekend Cosplay Part 5

Ric Bretschneider keeps an eye out for the costumes -- some good, some bad, some fantastic! Let's share a few now, and keep the mockery to a minimum. These people are brave, all of them, and having fun. Good for them, and just rest assured that I understand that spandex is a privilege, not a right.

I miss the old New Teen Titans.

I'm not sure they're at the right convention, but it does go along with a theory I have that eventually Comic-Con will swallow everything...

Keep a close eye on those vials...

Yes, they were paid to wear them, but there's something about a woman in Starfleet uniform...

I have friends that can't see either costume.


Rose and Robin... I smell SERIES!

To paraphrase Bugs Bunny: "yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But aren't they all?" ...

I saw a Robot Chicken episode that ruined this for me.

I know I should know...

Costume Gallery 1

Costume Gallery 2

Costume Gallery 3

Costume Gallery 4

Costume Gallery 5

Costume Gallery 6

Costume Gallery 7

Photos from Preview Night

Photos from Thursday

Photos from Friday



Derek McCaw



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