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Comic-Con Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2012:
Friday Cosplay Part 2

Ric Bretschneider keeps an eye out for the costumes -- some good, some bad, some fantastic! Let's share a few now, and keep the mockery to a minimum. These people are brave, all of them, and having fun. Good for them, and just rest assured that I understand that spandex is a privilege, not a right.

No word on whether or not he sees dead friends....

He rides sensibly, with plenty of sunblock.

Hi, I at least SHOP at Earth-2.. .

At first he seemed funny, but the more I look at that intense grin, I wonder...

And you wonder why Thanos wants to court Death...


Someone got Loki Friday night... (with apologies to Brad Guigar)

With the official Comic-Con bag, more like the Mad Swagger...

And you thought YOUR family get-togethers were uncomfortable...

Very brave.

I assume from Mattel's Monster High, which looked like it has really exploded as a toy line...

Okay, SECOND most terrifying Joker of the Con...

Whoa...someone really needs to ease up on the Red Bull...

DC's original plans for the New 52 Trinity, until someone pointed out the Penguin...

All right, who gets to write him, Ethan Van Sciver or John Layman?

Costume Gallery 1

Photos from Preview Night

Photos from Thursday



Derek McCaw



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