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Smallville: Covenant by Sarah Stanek (05-24-04)
Add another Supergirl to the pile...

Smallville: Forsaken by Sarah Stanek (05-13-04)
Hmmm...what will Sarah do with all that money?

Smallville: Talisman by Sarah Stanek (05-06-04)
We're going to back Sarah up on the issue of apostrophes...

Smallville: Memorial by Sarah Stanek (04-29-04)
Lex undergoes radical therapy to remember when exactly this plotline started...

Smallville: Truth by Sarah Stanek (04-22-04)
A mysterious green vapor makes people speak honestly...we call it creme de menthe...

Smallville: Legacy by Sarah Stanek (04-16-04)
Christopher Reeve returns and it's not even sweeps month...

Smallville: Crisis by Sarah Stanek (03-04-04)
Lana calls Clark from the future...it's Zero Hour for our superboy...

Smallville: Resurrection by Sarah Stanek (03-01-04)
It's Night of the Living Smallville Dead...

Smallville: Obsession by Sarah Stanek (02-25-04)
Finally, we start seeing Luthorcorps' true colors...black as the pits of Hell, baby...

Smallville: Velocity by Sarah Stanek (02-13-04)
Meet Pete Ross, rebel without a clue...

Smallville: Hereafter by Sarah Stanek (02-10-04)
Against her better judgment, the suspense is killing Sarah...

Smallville: Delete by Sarah Stanek (01-29-04)
Sarah has recovered from her TiVo accident, and is ready with a pop quiz...

Smallville: Whisper by Michael Goodson (01-26-04)
Villains seldom make passes at Supermen who wear glasses...

Smallville: Asylum by Sarah Stanek (01-16-04)
Dare we call them by their true name: The Superman/boy Revenge Squad?

Smallville: Shattered by Sarah Stanek (11-20-03)
What's eating Lex Luthor? Is it failing to get People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive?

Smallville: Magnetic by Sarah Stanek (11-13-03)
If being honest doesn't get you the girl of your dreams, try mind control...

Smallville: Relic by Sarah Stanek (11-06-03)
Ah...the old "ancestors are exact duplicates" plot...what is this, The Flintstones?

Smallville: Perry by Sarah Stanek (10-30-03)
Another piece of continuity appears just for the heck of it...

Smallville: Slumber by Sarah Stanek (10-23-03)
The more Sarah resists, the more she will suffer...

Smallville: Extinction by Sarah Stanek (10-16-03)
Old formulas get turned on their ears, making a certain Fan Girl's interest perk up...

Smallville: Phoenix by Sarah Stanek (10-10-03)
With all that Helen did to Lex, are we sure she's not actually his sister?

Smallville: Exile by Sarah Stanek (10-02-03)
If Rutger Hauer and Terence Stamp show up on set together, there will be no scenery left.

Smallville: T-Minus One by Sarah Stanek (09-30-03)
A look ahead at what we could wish for the third season...I say, "BRUUUUUCCEEEEE!"

Smallville: Seasons 1 and 2 by Sarah Stanek
Reviews for the 1st and 2nd Season of the show they call Young Superman in Japan...

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