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Each week we let you know what's happening in the comic world, plus tell you
which ones you should buy and which to avoid. Trust us.

Comics: Blackest Night #6 by Derek McCaw (12-30-09)
Just waitin' for the Resurrection Man...

2009 Fanboy Planet Hoiday Gift Guide: The Books by the Staff (11-24-09)
Oh, sure, and now someone will say "how could you leave off...?" Well, let us know!

Comics Review: The Flash: Rebirth #5 by Derek McCaw (11-19-09)
Old-school storytelling that feels fresh, new and...well, you've got to buy it!

2009 Big Apple Con by Deborah J. Draisin (11-08-09)
Forget the con-fighting, how was it to actually BE there?

Comics Review: Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love #1 by Derek McCaw (11-5-09)
Taking on a scope a fifth-rated network would never allow...

Comics Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #30 by Derek McCaw (11-5-09)
Taking on a scope a fifth-rated network would never allow...

Suspended Animation: Wayne Boring by Michael Vance (10-26-09)
The man who shaped the look of Superman...

Suspended Animation: Son Of Superman by Mark Allen (10-16-09)
A look back at a Chaykin and Tischman Elseworlds classic...

Updated Post: Green Lantern Superstar by Troy Benson (10-09-09)
A reader sends in photographic evidence connecting an ancient Church with Green Lantern...

Comics Review: Die Hard Year One #1 by Derek McCaw (09-30-09)
Getting back to the roots of both John McClane and Howard Chaykin...

Suspended Animation: John Byrne's Namor The Sub-Mariner by Mark Allen (09-18-09)
An overlooked Marvel book that may be some of Byrne's best work...

Comics Review: Blackest Night: Batman #2 by Derek McCaw (09-15-09)
Just within the Batfamily, it's amazing how many dead there are to rise...

Suspended Animation: Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures by Mark Allen (08-29-09)
From the mind of Chris Wisnia and now through the grace of Slave Labor Graphics...

Suspended Animation: Conan The Barbarian #1-24 by Mark Allen (08-21-09)
Marvel did it right the first time...

Comics Review: Filthy Rich by Derek McCaw (08-18-09)
Vertigo Crime launches with a loser mixing with the wrong crowd... and the wrong dame...

Comics Review: Ultima Thula by Derek McCaw (08-04-09)
Arcana offers a wild ride to an alien planet where our blood is better than gold!

Comics Review: Billboards by Derek McCaw (08-03-09)
The medium is the message, but what happens when we become the medium?

Comic-Con 2009: The Official "Day Two" (07-29-09)
Many more galleries coming...but this one previews some upcoming stories on Fanboy Planet.

Comic-Con 2009: The Wrath Of Con by Lon Lopez (07-28-09)
Derek and Lon's journey through Comic-Con's hottest party...

Comic-Con 2009: Jeff Smith Announces A Return To Boneville by Derek McCaw (07-27-09)
In addition to next month's Scholastic reprint of Rose, he's got a lot more on the horizon...

Comic-Con 2009: The MoronLife Preview Night Video Blog by Lon Lopez (07-23-09)
Join Lon Lopez for a quick video rundown of Wednesday's highlights...

Comic-Con 2009: Preview Night Gallery #3 (07-23-09)
Costumes and Pros and Ladies, oh my...

Comic-Con 2009: Preview Night Gallery #2 (07-23-09)
Artwork, toys and Avatar ...yep, a look at something from Avatar!

Comic-Con 2009: Preview Night Gallery #1 (07-23-09)
David Tapia and Ric Bretschneider captured the sights, but luckily for you, not the smells...

Comics Review: Doctor Who: Room With A Deja View by Derek McCaw (07-21-09)
Missing David Tennant's Doctor? Try this IDW offering to ease the pain...

Comics Reviewed: Blackest Night #1 by Derek McCaw (07-18-09)
...and I thought it was gross when Cheeks the Toy Wonder came back from the dead...

Web of Spider-Man Relaunch In October (07-14-09)
A brand-new spin on an old title gives us top-notch storytelling and the Spectacular Spider-Girl!

Comics Reviewed: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? #1 by Derek McCaw (07-14-09)
Philip K. Dick's classic becomes a graphic novel...and a whole new generation gets paranoid...

Comics Reviewed: Green Lantern #43 by Derek McCaw (07-10-09)
Black Hand sure seems different from my Green Lantern Archives vol. 3....

Suspended Animation: Marvel's Ultimatum by Mark Allen (07-10-09)
It's the end of the world as we had just started getting to know it...

Super-Con 2009: Creators and Creations by Ric Bretschneider and Derek McCaw (06-12-09)
The best of Ric's photos from Super-Con 2009 in San Jose!

Review: Batman #687 by Derek McCaw (06-10-09)
If Batman can be reborn, why not our comics coverage?

Super-Con 2009: The Costumes by Lon Lopez and Derek McCaw (06-05-09)
You've heard the interviews, now see the fandom that flocks to San Jose!

A Look Back At Lee and Ditko's Amazing Spider-Man by Mark Vance (06-05-09)
Is it nostalgia, or is it really every bit as good as us old-timers remember?

New York Comic-Con 2009: From The Hero Initiative Booth by Deborah J. Draisin (03-02-09)
What's it like to see your first Comic Convention from the inside?

America's Newest Superhero by Derek McCaw (01-18-09)
Powered only by the audacity of hope...but we're buying it for now...

Sparks Hits The iTunes Store! by Derek McCaw (01-15-09)
Actor Michael Pare plays Catastrophic Comics' Noir Superhero in a new iPhone App...

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