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Comic-Con 2009 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2009:
The Official "Day Two"

It's easy to spend all day in lines and in panels. However, I found a little time to wander the floor and catch some costumes and coolness. Here's a few pictures, some of which tease articles we'll have coming soon...

Start 'em young and give them conflicted emotions about women in spandex...

A lot of plans for another return of Captain Action...

D23, Disney's new fan organization, brought out some classic costumes and props.

Robert Englund stars in Fear Clinic, and this "Fear Chamber" works for me.

Jim Caviezel, star of AMC's remake of The Prisoner.

Mystery Team, a strange combination of Scooby Doo, Encyclopedia Brown and Peyton Place,
hopefully coming to a theater near you SOON!
We didn't get to see the flick, but we did hang out with the cast at Wrath of Con.

The Princess and The Pirate from The Fall...my vote for best most obscure costume.

Be seeing you...

The greatest comic book adaptation ever made.

Game director Sefton Hill playing his own hotly anticipated Arkham Asylum.

The Star Trek cologne booth had a wide variety of scents, including Comic-Con exclusive KHAAAN.
I don't know what it smells like, but I was hoping it would build up my pecs to a ridiculous degree.


Derek McCaw


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