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Comic-Con 2009:
Visions of Preview Night 3--
A Few Costumes and Such

A little focus on the people that made us stop for a second look...

(photos by David Tapia)

Hey, has Marvel ever actually done a Lady Deadpool?
I smell story idea...

Not sure who the guy on the left is, but I'd watch him host a horror show...

Our own Lon Lopez telling passers-by, "you've got a friend in me..."

There's a joke here from the first Sam & Max videogame, but I'm not going to put it here.
If you want to know the rude caption, email me.

Three dolls of death.

The latest wacky curse to befall Captain Jack Sparrow?
Jeph Loeb and Rob Liefled -- BFFs.
One of those not sure who she is supposed to be photos...
No, ladies, it's just a wax figure for Madame Tussaud's Los Angeles wax museum...
Nice sleeves.

Preview Night 1

Preview Night 2

Derek McCaw


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