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In this series of Fanboy on Kickstarter articles, it's my goal to clue you into some of the prime Kickstarter Fanboy opportunities. And of course, if you have anything you've noticed on Kickstarter that you think we should investigate, let me know and I'll pass that along to the rest of our clan.

Fanboy On Kickstarter #14 by Ric Bretschneider (06-16-15)
We Happy Few and Epic Card Game! We had to come back so you wouldn't miss these amazing projects!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #13 by Ric Bretschneider (02-26-15)
Thunderbirds are GO! How much awesome can you pack into one nostalgic gem of a game?

Fanboy On Kickstarter #12 by Ric Bretschneider (08-28-14)
Pack O Games!: Over seven fun to play micro games, and maybe even more by the time you read this!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #11 by Ric Bretschneider (07-29-14)
Elf Quest Adventures and Core World Digital!: Two very different games for the wolfriders and star barbarians in all of us.

Fanboy On Kickstarter #10 by Ric Bretschneider (07-12-14)
Start Player Express and Battle for Hill 218 and Sector 219!: Two light and inexpensive games for your travel enjoyment.

Fanboy On Kickstarter #9 by Ric Bretschneider (06-15-14)
Reading Rainbow and Scrapyard Empire: Improve children's literacy and build crazy inventions!!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #8 by Ric Bretschneider (05-12-14)
Popup Dungeon, More than just a Charming Dungeon Crawl!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #7 by Ric Bretschneider (04-29-14)
Comics, Agents and Dragons, the Triple Treat!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #6 by Ric Bretschneider (04-17-14)
We bring you Mad Science and Monster Madness!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #5 by Ric Bretschneider (04-01-14)
Now cook with an Oven Mitt Power Glove!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #4 by Ric Bretschneider (03-30-14)
Till Dawn vampire card game and Doc Unknown graphic novels, for your consideration...

Fanboy On Kickstarter #3 by Ric Bretschneider (03-11-14)
A Walking Dead board game and a graphic novel catch Ric's attention...

Fanboy On Kickstarter #2 by Ric Bretschneider (03-04-14)
Ric highlights a fun pub game and an original graphic novel that needs your help!

Fanboy On Kickstarter #1 by Ric Bretschneider (02-28-14)
Ric brings you Kickstarter recommendations tailored for the Fanboy. This week we have Darkest Dungeon and Kill Shakespeare!



Ric Bretschneider


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