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The Women of Comic-Con 2007, Part 3

With the help of Jason Beymer, we've captured even more of the great costumes walking around Comic-Con. Perhaps we didn't so much capture them as have them capture our attention...

Actress Lauren Lee Smith, promoting the film Pathology.
Milo Ventimiglia just said something really, really nice about her.

I didn't dare get close enough to see if her tattoo was correct.

Oh, to be Scott Summers right now...(photo by Jason Beymer)
Can anyone tell me -- is that Justine Joli proving her geek cred?

...like tears in the rain... (photo by Jason Beymer)

Does this mean she's a swag hag?
(photo by Jason Beymer)

A little something for the ladies...


Our own Erin Frost meets Nick Frost for a second time --
and he remembered. Oh, yes, he did.

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Gallery 5

Gallery 6

Gallery 7 - Women of Comic-Con, Part 1

Gallery 8

Gallery 9 - Women of Comic-Con, part 2


Derek McCaw


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