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Comic-Con 2005:
More Pictures, More Memories, Just ...More!

It's hard to put the Comic-Con experience behind us. The sights, the sounds, the smells all haunt our memories. Thankfully, we have the pictures. And thanks to occasional contributor Jeffrey Berman, we have pictures we didn't have before.

Jeffrey should become a familiar name in 2006, as at the Con Devil's Due announced that they will be publishing his graphic novel (co-written with the ineffable Tony Caballero) Untold. Thankfully, fame hasn't gone to his head and for some reason he's still willing to contribute here.

So here's a few choice moments from Comic-Con from the perspective of Mr. Berman... (photos by him, smart-alecky remarks by his editor.)

Look deep into my eye -- you are a fanboy, you are a fanboy...

Shaun Cassidy may be the rarest Convention sight of them all --
a 70's teen idol that actually has a new high-profile project to promote, ABC's Invasion.
This one's for my cousin Regina who had his poster on her wall.

Ooh! Ooh! Treat! Treat!

Hell in Bronze. Heaven on my bookshelf.

Ben Browder -- the reason that women watch Sci Fi.

Crap! I missed Charisma Carpenter?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Let's Boogie!
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Preview Night

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Jeffrey Berman


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