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Comic-Con 2005: Day 2 Photo Gallery

As always, we have more pictures than words to type, so enjoy these extras from the second official day of Comic-Con 2005...

Comic-Con -- where everyone's dreams come true.

Natalie Portman points out her short hair -- in case no one noticed.

If you buy the DVD Deluxe edition of NCSoft's City of Villains, you get SIX exclusive HeroClix figures!

Every year I get to spend a special moment with the Sea King --
this year thanks to DC Direct and Ed McGuinness.

A rare Star Trek fan...

He may not have the hair, but he does have the attitude.

"Will you be my new bat man?"

"What do you say to killing some Jedi and then drinks?"

"I'm late, I'm late...and I just don't care right now..."

Preview Night Photo Gallery

Day One Photo Gallery

Derek McCaw


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