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Comic-Con 2005: Day 1 Photo Gallery

As always, we have more pictures than words to type, so enjoy these extras from the first official day of Comic-Con 2005...

None of these three know what they're doing here...

Film director John Landis (Animal House, Into the Night, American Werewolf in London)
stops by the Dreamworks pavilion.

...because no Con is complete without Killer Robots...

Is it wrong to want these Alias statues?

"All this life and energy -- pfeh. Good thing I'm at the Vertigo booth."

"I wuv Fanboy Pwanet weadews thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much..."

I never thought I'd see an Aztek action figure -- let alone one with an accessory.

A lovely family outing...

Nothing more American than opportunistic capitalism...

"Alas, poor Cliff. I knew him, Peevey."

Preview Night Photo Gallery

Derek McCaw


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