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Comic-Con 2010:
Sunday - Day 4: Making It To The End

The last day. Television panels ruled the day while kids ran rampant. (Sunday is Kids' Day at Comic-Con.) Vendors drop their prices and suddenly, you might just stumble across something cool that was too crowded before.

(photos by Derek McCaw, Stephanie Rodriguez and Jason Salazar)

... and yet, the streets have still been emptied by this huge event.

What does Glee have to do with comics? Geeks can sing, too, I guess.

A costume I never thought I'd see, just outside of Ballroom 20, where everyone got Gleeful.

Anthony Stewart Head doing publicity for Merlin. Thanks, Gary, for bringing him into the room!

Matthew Lillard, in town to talk a little Scooby Doo...

Where's the Spider-Man Noir? I guess he hasn't quite caught on yet...

Still a lot of people packing the big guys' booths, but not as many actually talking to the talent.
I walked right up to Kurt Busiek, but couldn't get near the give-away stuff.

Don't ask why you need them. Just know that you do.

Because it was kids' day, not so much swimming for the adults, I guess.
That was good, though, because then you could just walk right up and look in on the Experience.

...and this is one of the things they had in the peepholes...
it's a squirrel psychic asking you to call in with your credit card number. This was the least bizarre of the four displays.
And I am going to admit -- I got the last Henchman 24 exclusive figure on the premises.
At least at its $20 price. Did I need it? Yes. Oh, yes.

Pics from Preview Night (Wednesday) Here

Pics from Day 1 (Thursday) Here

Pics from Day 2 (Friday) Here

Pics from Day 3 (Saturday) Here

Derek McCaw


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