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Comics Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2010:
Friday - Day Two

Pics from Preview Night here.

Pics from Day One here.

From TRON to From Dusk 'Til Con...

(photos by Ric Bretschneider, Derek McCaw and Stephanie Rodriguez)

Our day began at Flynn's Arcade, where press gathered to meet talent from the film TRON: Legacy.

We were not scanned and digitized.

Grant Morrison and Ian Sattler focus on Morrison's work.

Joss Whedon got a panel all to himself... one of a handful of multi-media players that could command the room.

...that is until Nathan Fillion tries to steal his thunder by disguising himself in the Q & A line....

The Barenaked Ladies lead the Big Bang Theory panel in a sing-along.
(Full video here)

Kunal Nayyar and Simon Helberg having a good time...

Kaley Cuoco, Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki rounding it out as Wil Wheaton moderated.

The True Blood panel included original novelist Charlaine Harris, but Alex Skarsgaard's appearance was a little flat.

On the floor, we stopped by Clayburn Moore's booth, and we know why this caterpillar is smiling.

Xeric-award winner Ben Costa in the Small Press Area -- he's gathered Pang into a handsome hardbound edition.

Just worth mentioning that Graphitti launched the greatest t-shirt ever in the history of the Con...

...and the day ended at the party From Dusk 'Til Con, sponsored by AMC, STARZ (for Spartacus) and POYNT.

Your editor-in-chief with Colin Ferguson and Neil Grayston of Eureka.




Derek McCaw



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