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Comic-Con 2004:
More Pictures, More Memories, Just ...More!

It's hard to put the Comic-Con experience behind us. The sights, the sounds, the smells all haunt our memories. Thankfully, we have the pictures. And thanks to new occasional contributor Jeffrey Berman, we have pictures we didn't have before.

So here's a few choice moments from Comic-Con from the perspective of Mr. Berman... (photos by him, smart-alecky remarks by his editor.)

Soylent Green Comics are made of people!

Not everybody can pull off the Slave Leia look.
I certainly can't.

She's not even trying! Or is she? This booth was so zen.

How outsiders see us...

At least these guys got paid to be geeks...

Lex Luthor's father? How about Gene Simmons' father?

Actually, my wedding looked a lot like this...
Other galleries:

Preview Night

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3, part 1

Day 3, part 2

Day 4

Jeffrey Berman


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