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Big Wow! Comic Fest 2014 Today's Date:

Big Wow! Comic Fest 2014:
The Cosplay, Part 1

Posted 6/10/2014

Every year, the Cosplay gets bigger and better. This year, Big Wow invited several well-known cosplayers to show their work, devoting several panels to it.

Sure, you've seen many on TV, but it was also exciting to see so many locals getting into it. There's a creative spirit that just hums at these events -- it isn't just seeing some obscure character brought to life, it's the ingenuity with which the cosplayer has done it.

Luckily for Fanboy Planet, Ric Bretschneider was there to catch most, if not all, of the people portraying their favorite heroes and villains.

It's impressive when you can get a car to cosplay....

Great Scott! (Actually, we don't know his name...)

So does this make Friday the 13th lucky or not?.

Do you get this, Warner Brothers? This whole bright colored thing WORKS, right down to the eyes!

Captain Cold works for us as a bombshell......

Clearly, Hank Pym is making script notes...

A bit macabre, but points for being horrific.....

Well-known cosplayer and star of the webseries Sweethearts of the Galaxy Kit Quinn....

No matter where you go, there he is.

The webbing backpack? That's a nice touch AND practical.....

A very practical and fierce looking Black Canary...

Nice costume... sensible shoes...of LIBERTY!

Someone cosplayed as Ric!

Luckily Black Widow put a stop to it.....

And another Black Widow, with a character from our local late-night horror movie TV show....

Other Big Wow! Coverage:

The Fanboy Planet Podcast: Five On The Phone - Interviews with Charlie Adlard and Ethan Castillo from Big Wow! Comic Fest

The Batman Museum

Artists At Big Wow! Comic Fest


Ric Bretschneider



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