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Comics Today's Date:

Wizard World Los Angeles 2007:
Gallery 3 - This Masquerade

Once again, Jeffrey Berman, screenwriter, photographer and ridiculously nice guy has helped Fanboy Planet out with images from 2007's Wizard World Los Angeles.

Brubaker's in trouble...

Would it be wrong to tell them both they're dead?

No convention is complete without the 501st Legion.
Later, the Jedi lad was found with that lightsaber up his Dark Side of the Force.

It's pretty good, but, yeah, we're stumped. What is it?

Children line up to be told why their costumes are hackneyed and banal
in Wizard World's Annual Make The Children Cry Competition.

Awkwardly enough, this wasn't at Wizard World...

Just taking a break before breaking records on May 3.

Gallery 1

Gallery 2 - Celebrities

Jeffrey Berman


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