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Wizard World Los Angeles 2007:
Photos From The Floor

Once again, Jeffrey Berman, screenwriter, photographer and ridiculously nice guy has helped Fanboy Planet out with images from last weekend's Wizard World Los Angeles. His first response was "fun," and we'll have a report from him as well. But for now...enjoy the first of a few galleries of his work...

Marvel gives Wizard World lots of love.

Not that we're endorsing any particular store that we don't know, but that's a sweet ride.

Okay, we do endorse this store. That's Carr D'angelo of Earth-2 Comics:
The only place I buy my comics when I'm in Los Angeles.

That's a mighty big book. But then again, Scott Mitchell Rosenberg has a mighty big geek heart.

With a large emphasis on horror, time will tell if Fox Atomic will make an impact in the comics market.

Captain America and Nick Fury share an awkward moment when they realize
they're both supposed to be dead.

Gallery 2 - Celebrities

Gallery 3 - Costumes

Jeffrey Berman


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