Comic-Con 2015:
All-New All-Different Marvel Page 9 Continuing down Marvel's list...
Taking a completely different tack on a heroine that needed one to stand out from the crowd of Spider-Men and Spider-Women, Spider-Woman wins for the cover.
Now will the interiors be wroth it?. |
James Robinson and Leonard Kirk collaborated on a great Fantastic Four run. Will this continue on a dark take on the Justice League for Marvel?
This seems more likely to be a mini-series, as every other Squadron Supreme book has been. |
Marvel owes a great debt to James Gunn for this '70s pop side to Star-Lord.
They might also owe ASCAP. |
Jane Foster remains as Thor after Secret Wars -- that is great. Moreover, it's inspirational.
It's almost like the superhero version of W;t, where readers might find a resonance and a courage they didn't expect from a comic book.
I don't know. I just have high hopes for this one. |
Page 10: The Totally Awesome Hulk, The Vision, Ultimates, Uncanny Avengers
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