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Comic-Con 2015 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2015:
All-New All-Different Marvel Page 10

Continuing down Marvel's list...

Announced last week by Marvel, I'm in on the strength of the creative team alone.

Can't blame Marvel for trying, especially after The Vision finally made the leap to the movies. But this character never seems to be able to stand well on his own; he plays better as a foil, unless they're turning him into something closer to the otherworldly alien that called itself The Vision in the 1940s.

We'll see.

Black Panther, Photon, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel, and the breakout Captain America from A-Force -- someone will correct me on her actual character name -- all in the hands of Galactus.

Okay, interesting. But after Squirrel Girl defeated Galactus, it may be hard to take him seriously.

With this many Avengers books, it's got to come down to whether or not you like the character combination. Spider-Man, The Human Torch, and Deadpool? This book had better be funny.

Page 11: Uncanny Inhumans, Uncanny X-Men, Venom: Space Knight, Web Warriors

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Derek McCaw



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