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Big Wow Comic Fest 2015 Today's Date:

Big Wow! Comic Fest 2015:
The Last Big Wow!

Posted 5/13/2015

Two days before Big Wow the news broke that Steve Wozniak had bought out the convention with help from Stan Lee. Both those names invoke nerd magic in different ways, and they'll be renaming the event Silicon Valley Comic Con (note that the hyphen is absent) for 2016.

Internally, Big Wow carried a lot of SVCC branding, as you can see below. And a lot of fans are afraid that it may lose the Big Wow spirit. What is that exactly? Just that sense of not being overwhelming in the way that Comic-Con (note the hyphen) can be. San Jose is a big city, but this convention has always felt more personal.

We'll see... but we have to look back this year and still celebrate what Big Wow! Comic Fest has meant for San Jose. (All photos by Ric Bretschneider)

Getting ready for the line... Big Wow only features a few other media celebrities, and they're very specific to fandom.

The vendors are ready...

This is before opening... but seriously, the layout has always been very spacious.

Wait... what? Where was this booth? RIC! Why didn't you tell me about it...

Plenty of dealers, and we saw plenty of people making great purchases.........

Still comics centered, but aspiring artists could find unique materials as well. And again... that floor space!

Torpedo Comics, owned by System of a Down drummer Jon Dolmayan, has been coming since the beginning...

It's a little odd that Waldo stands out.

To celebrate Silicon Valley Comic Con, you could ride the Goblin and win a t-shirt.
No, we don't get it either. Nor did we get a t-shirt.

Great Scott It's a Doc Brown impersonator!

First and foremost, room for FANS...

The strangely coolest action figures you can find...

His sign speaks for itself, but Richard Hatch has been on the convention circuit for years... he loves his fans..


Horror hosts new and old... it's always good seeing John Stanley...

Underwear that's FUN to wear...

Tom Felton signing for a fan... the lines weren't out of control, and everybody was respectful.
Maybe because he's Draco Malfoy. .

Big Wow: The Artists






Ric Bretschneider



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