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Comic-Con 2014 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2014:
Affleck's Cape and Cowl At DC Booth?

Smack dab in the middle of DC's booth are a series of movie costumes and cowls, to celebrate Batman's 75th Anniversary. Similar to last year's display for Superman's, except, well, a LOT more going on.

But DC was also pretty clever, no doubt with help from parent company Warner Brothers. Not only did they have the very same headshot of Ben Affleck hidden in plain sight since Wednesday that was tweeted out on Thursday, they also have a display of a cape and cowl labelled "Zack Snyder."

Now, that's part of an art project that is featured in a gallery up the street, but here's the thing -- it may actually be the design of Ben Affleck's cape and cowl. Because when you go to the art project, where several artists have painted the cape and cowl, Zack Snyder's display isn't Batman at all, but Rorschach.

So a good friend said to me last night that the only thing he can say for sure about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is that Zack Snyder is The Riddler.

Here's a video shot at the DC booth of the rotating costume pieces:


Derek McCaw

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