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HeroClix, page two

The Variations

Included in the basic rules are "scenarios," which give you the option of having an actual plot to your game. Otherwise, it's pretty much Secret Wars time, which makes you The Beyonder, and frankly, it takes too much time to put on the silver jumpsuit and get a perm.

The scenarios provide different goals other than "wipe the other guys out," even if you are playing with all of the Injustice League and Lex Luthor isn't here to tell you that you can't kill them. Sometimes you just have to get your guys across the map to a designated warp space that will plunge you into Hypertime. It could just be a matter of a hostage rescue. And then, all right, it could be just kick the other guys' butts.

Should you exhaust the scenarios, the HeroClix website occasionally offers new ones online. Price guide Scrye Magazine also offers their variations.

Aiding some of your characters in the butt-kicking would be objects strewn about the map that can cause extra damage. We now highly recommend getting the extra adventure kits that feature three-dimensional objects. Once you've gotten all the stupid jokes about the lamppost out of the way, they add a new level to the game.

The adventure kits also come with "plot cards," which work similarly to scenarios. As a nice twist, though, you work for plot points, not necessarily damage points. And the worm can easily turn with this one. Each player keeps his individual plot a secret, so even though one can have taken out a vast number of his opponents' characters, he could lose as long as his opponent still completed his plot.

Co-editor Michael Goodson calls this dumb luck, but I call it all part of my plan.

Lessons Learned In The Fanboy Planet Offices

  • Put Together The Team You've Always Wanted To See. That's what it says on each and every booster pack. Sure. Go ahead, as long as that team has a long range combat expert, the ability to turn off an opponent's power (or powers), probability control, and at least one damage of 4.

    You may want to see a team of Gotham City Police, but in the greater scheme of things, they're not likely to stand up well against one Firelord. And then you've got a webmaster rubbing it in your face all the time.

  • Understanding Continuity Will NOT Help. The player most likely to win is the one who does not know that Arcane is a man. Barring such an event, it will be the guy who keeps referring to Black Cat as Catwoman.

  • Choose That Which Is Right And Good. Unless you want to win, in which case you'll gather as many Ultrons in one place as possible. He only loses in the pages of The Avengers, and that may just be for contractual reasons.

    The Figures

    Of course, what has made fans really take this game to heart is its simple collectibility. Though in recent years both Marvel and DC have done a good job in producing action figures of obscure characters, the HeroClix model offers almost unlimited possibilities at a much lower price point.

    What that really means is that if you've always wanted a figure of the Golden Age Flash, you can have him in miniature for slightly more than you might pay for the DC Direct figure. Ah, that fabulous secondary market. But at least you can actually play with him. When all your co-workers have gone home.

    How about a Checkmate Agent to sit on your desk? You can have him. Ditto SHIELD. And Hydra. And, embarrassingly enough, those stupid beekeepers at AIM. All that and the promise of many more to come.

    For the most part, these figures also look pretty good, especially in light of their size. The DC sculpts tend to be better than those for Marvel, with slightly better faces. That DC set also introduced a slightly easier to turn dial, using the HeroClix ring. Please don't forget to take it off when you're finished playing.

    The "It's Clobberin' Time" expansion has rectified the imbalance in a lot of cases, including utilizing the ring. In particular, the members of the Fantastic Four show improvement. Unfortunately, Reed Richards looks like somebody squeezed his prominent Mister Fantastic with no mercy. But The Thing looks at least as good as he did in his Hanna-Barbera series back in the seventies, and The Human Torch is a flaming vision. Nobody in the office actually has an Invisible Girl/Woman yet, but we have high hopes.

    Already WizKids has announced another Marvel expansion set, Xplosion. (Only one guess as to which group gets featured heavily in that - you're right! It's The New Warriors!) Cannily timed for release before X-Men 2, the few sculpts shown on their page look to be another leap forward for the Marvel figures.

    The Future

    WizKids keeps their projects pretty tightly under wraps, but aside from Xplosion, they have announced "Indy Clix," which will feature characters from smaller imprints like Image, Dark Horse, and CrossGen. Announced last summer, the release date currently stands for sometime this summer, and nobody has leaked exactly which characters might appear. (I'm bucking for a Simon Archard and perhaps a Citizen Pain.)

    Though Marvel has now had three sets on the block (and a Sentinel), DC seems woefully underrepresented by comparison. Once Xplosion gets released, there will be well over 300 Marvel figures. DC only has 132, if you include the Wizard exclusive Superman and the giant Sinestro figure now scheduled for January 22 release.

    However, some clues do exist on the DC checklist. They have a team ability affiliation for the JSA, but only two characters qualify: Hawkman and the unique Flash. The Teen Titans only have four. Completely unrepresented so far, though, are the Legion of Superheroes, the Mystics, and the Green Lantern Corps, which has a potentially magnificent team ability, just no team members.

    Even the ad copy for Sinestro plays coy, mentioning what a great foe for Green Lantern he will be, but an even better one for Superman. While nothing has shown up even hinting at a DC expansion set, we've got our fingers crossed for a May or June surprise.

    As for the future of Fanboy Planet involvement, we've quietly decided to branch out and experience an official tournament, to give better coverage of the HeroClix experience to you loyal readers. Just don't count on us winning any prizes.

    Click Here For The Fanboy Planet Variations...

    Derek McCaw

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