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Comics Today's Date:

Wondercon 2006 : Friday On The Floor, page 1

We wandered quite a bit today. Mario Anima, Chris Garcia, Michael Goodson and Derek McCaw hit Wondercon and hit it hard. All will be filing reports throughout the week, but we're going to try hard to at least get photos up each night. Suffice to say you may get clues as to where we've gone and what we've done with some of the photos included here.

This year's t-shirt featuring the dignity...the majesty...of Batman staring hard at Vicki Vale's derrierre...

Eric Powell (The Goon) smiling and nodding and hoping we'd leave...

Within minutes of every convention, we get approached by a member of the 501st.
Luckily, Chris Garcia and Derek McCaw were saved by Michael Goodson's off-camera Jedi Mindtrick --
'these are not the dorks you're looking for..."

Dorothy writer Mark Masterson sportin' the latest in Emerald City fashion...at least, we hope.

Frank Miller and a beer.

Page 2

Derek McCaw


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