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Wrestling Today's Date:

Falls Count Anywhere

05-23-06 (News and Judgement Day)

This one's for you Silver Age fans...
Look! It's Angel and the Apes!

I liked RAW a lot. There were some great moments and some wild times. If you were looking for resolution on storylines, well, you got closer than usual, but this was really the great build-up episode before the final explosion.

I came in on Foley and Edge in the ring. Foley was working the crowd and the guys brought out the old Hardcore Title. Foley said Edge should be the champ. Edge said Foley should be the champ. They decided to be co-holders.

After a bit of fun, Paul Heyman made his return and said that there was a prostitute in the ring, and it weren’t Lita, it were Mick Foley. Paul did a great promo and said that One Night Stand would feature a tag match: Foley and Edge vs. Dreamer and Funk. Terry and Tommy then ran the boys off with weapons. I really enjoyed the segment.

Shelton beat RVD by DQ. RVD had an off night and looked really sloppy. I like RVD, I think they’re doing good things with him, but he needs to lock it down and come back with better work. He’s never been one to handle transitions (which Meltzer has always been big on) but if he brings his work up to a level where he can pull off big moves and look good (and not hurt people), he’ll be WWE champ.

John Cena beat Chris Masters. The match wasn’t good, but it was short. RVD came out and announced what everyone already knows: that he’ll be using the Money in the Bank contract at One Night Stand. RVD and Cena brawled a bit and RVD did a Van Terminator using the briefcase. It looked awful. He really needs to work on that.

Carlito and Maria were about to play some cards when they found Snitsky who was off to meet his showgirl date. He thought he found her but it was Goldust. Not good, but Goldie is always at least mildly entertaining.

Trevor Murdoch ran down Kane and said that The Da Vinci Code was better than See No Evil. I’d have to agree. Kane came out and destroyed him. There was a freaky “let’s trip out Kane’ video splash which was supposed to be someone messing with his head by saying ‘this will never be over’ and showing Kane’s old mask.

Nice boots.

Mickie James and Torrie Wilson had a match that was almost a total bust, pun intended, as there was a minor boob slip. The match pretty much sucked, but Torrie took Mickie’s Jumping DDT really well. Trish walked out and said that Beth Phoenix had signed as the newest Diva on RAW. Mickie went to run away and ended up fighting with Beth. Beth’s hot, and I mean H-A-W-T hot. They ran away through the crowd.

Viscera came out and said that he wanted Lillian Garcia back because he was ready to settle down. Lillian was about to totally reject him when Armando came out and brought Umaga out to attack the big man. He basically beat up Big Viz for a while, using the post a lot. It wasn’t a match, and they’re trying so hard with Umaga, but the crowd’s not into him yet.

The Spirit Squad beat up Shawn Michaels leading to the highlight of the show. Vince sent the ref away and the Spirit Squad beat on Michaels for a while. They did every Five-on-One move you could think of, took turns doing moonsaults and leg drops. Shawn made a comeback by backdropping one of the guys while the other four held him. He almost landed on his head on the outside in one of the scariest bumps I’ve seen in ages. Shawn fought free, tossed guys out of the ring and hit Sweet Chin Music. He went for another and ended up getting his leg hit with a chair. That was awesome.

They worked his leg for a while and then they called out HHH to finish the job with the sledge. H seemed like he was about to do it, but Mikey (or whichever one he was) grabbed the sledge for Trips. He didn’t like that and he beat on the SS with Spinebusters and a Pedigree. It wasn’t the DX reformation that people have been hoping for, but it was a nice step towards it.

This was a solid show following a very solid PPV, making it a good week.

And now it’s time to say goodbye…

Talk about today's column in the forums!

Chris Garcia

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