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David Tennant Enters The Clone Wars

If you're here, you already know what David Tennant is best known for, and I don't mean his performance as Hamlet. But yes, it's true, he will be voicing the role of Huyang, an ancient droid whose main purpose is to oversee young Jedi in the construction of their lightsabers. Huyang will be in three consecutive episodes: "A Test of Strength," "Bound for Rescue" and "A Necessary Strength."

“When I heard the Doctor himself, David Tennant, was a fan of Star Wars I knew I had to find a way to get in contact with him to see if he would perform on Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” said Dave Filoni, Supervising Director, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. “The result was ‘Huyang,’ an ancient droid in the service of the Jedi Order, whose sole task in life has been overseeing the construction of lightsabers. I thought David was perfect for the part and he did not disappoint. He delivered a performance which impressed even the Master himself, George Lucas."

In addition, and it's just a cool touch, a young Jedi named Petro has a signature lightsaber move that was actually created by a child in a contest by Hasbro, then animated into the series. You have to love that kind of fan service.

And speaking of -- yes, you put Tennant in the role of a droid, well, that droid could easily survive the Clone Wars and the Fall of the Empire and show up later as an aged Luke Skywalker restores the Jedi Academy... and then, this blue box appears...

Oh, all right. If you don't know what David Tennant is best known for, it's playing the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who. But for a new generation, it may be for playing Huyang.

Derek McCaw

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