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On TV Today's Date:

Justice League Unlimited
The Return

Original Airdate - 09/18/04

This week's episode of Justice League Unlimited is a sequel to the second season episode of Justice League called "Tabula Rasa." In that episode Lex Luthor discovers a robot created by Professor Ivo codenamed Amazo. Luthor uses the robot's naiveté to get him to use his power mimicking ability to fight the Justice League. In the end, Amazo leaves Earth in search of a more meaningful existence.

Well, it turns out he's back. After "pulling a Jordan" and destroying Oa and the Green Lantern Corps (including Kyle Rayner), Amazo is on his way back to Earth. No one seems to know what it wants but every active League member has been called up to defend Earth.

Meanwhile Supergirl and Steel find Lex Luthor because they are pretty sure that whatever Amazo wants, it involves him. Luthor has a plan to deal with Amazo and takes the duo to his secret hideout, the barber shop. There Luthor ditches the Super accessories and retreats into his well defended hideout. The bad news is that the fortress was made to defend against Superman trying to break in. The good news is that The Atom was hiding on Luthor's suit and offers to put his scientific brain into some systems upgrades to defeat Amazo.

"The Return" reminded me of a battle royal match in wrestling. Typically 20-30 wrestlers are put in the ring and the last man in the ring wins. 90% of the participants are just fodder. Booking agents put them in the match for a little exposure and so they can tell their parents at home that they were on TV.

This was the first episode of the season to use a full complement of Justice League members, most of which haven't had their own spotlight show yet. Unfortunately each one was given about 5 seconds of screen time and it was always on the receiving end of a butt kicking. The episode was nice because fans got to see a lot of familiar faces in action but the spotlight wasn't very flattering for most.

The script was tight and filled with a lot of big moments and unexpected cameos. Kyle Rayner, Dr. Fate, The Atom and Hawkgirl all made surprise appearances without feeling forced into the story.

As in his previous appearance, Amazo's fight scenes rocked. He's evolved past the shape changer phase and is just a robot of mass destruction. Poor Red Tornado never had a chance. The only line he's has had all season was a pig call and now all the Justice League can do is turn him in for the 5 cent recycling deposit.

After a rough start, JLU episodes are definitely getting better. Each episode builds on the momentum of the previous one and some of the longer term storylines are beginning to bear fruit. Hopefully that trend continues after the hiatus. In the meantime check out our reviews of The Batman!

Derek's Continuity Corner
Most of the continuity issues were covered in "Tabula Rasa," except that despite appearances, I'm not counting Red Tornado out yet. The android creation of T.O. Morrow has been destroyed several times and always come back with greater force. Most recently, he revived and served as adult mentor to Young Justice, then disappeared so they could become the Teen Titans again.

Other heroes making brief spacebound cameos include S.T.R.I.P.E., Captain Atom, Orion (the son of Darkseid, reduced to cannon fodder) and Red Star, who used to be called Starfire until the Tamaranian Princess on Teen Titans took that name. Not to be confused with Christian Gossett's The Red Star, Red Star is a Russian hero with the usual array of powers that occasionally popped up in Marv Wolfman and George Perez' classic New Teen Titans. As Starfire, he appeared in the original Teen Titans comic book series, designed by artist Nick Cardy.

And though it makes sense to me (and clearly Bruce Timm) for The Atom's costume to appear when he's full-sized, in the comics it doesn't. It only shows up when he's small -- dramatically so in last week's Identity Crisis #4.

Michael Goodson


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