Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Episode Air Date 10/30/01

"Mist. Cemetery. Halloween. This should end well."

There's still hope for a peaceful Halloween in Sunnydale for the Slayer, since vampires are supposed to take the night off.

After a crazy but profitable day at the Magic Shop, Xander decides it's time to tell everyone about his engagement to Anya. After a day of making money - her favorite thing - she is rewarded with Xander's acceptance of their future and the well wishes of the Scooby Gang. I look forward to Anya's comments on society as she begins planning her marriage. Even an ex-demon knows that weddings are all about presents.

After watching a nutty old man go about his Halloween preparations at the top of the show, I assumed it was some classic foreshadowing. With Dawn sneaking out to roam the streets of Sunnydale causing mischief with friends, we knew where they'd end up. Reminding audiences of their skill and subtlety, the writers didn't continue down Expected Street, but instead switched bad guys on us.

Dawn and her friend Janice end up parking in the woods with two guys urging each other to take it all the way. While thinking this might take a turn towards an after-school special, it instead turns out to be some rebel vampires on the hunt on Halloween. As Giles finds out Dawn is on the loose, not actually spending the night at a friend's (who hasn't used that excuse), Buffy discovers that a vampire is out feeding.

Meanwhile, Dawn learns about kissing from her new beau Justin, only to find out he sucks blood, not face. Running out of time, and needing a good fight scene, Spike, Giles and Buffy convene in the woods to rescue Dawn only to find out there are a lot of rebel vampires in the woods. Giles knocks out a few reminding us that he's not just a librarian. And the award for best use of a vehicle to rid the world of evil goes to… Buffy!

As the engagement party moves to the Sommers home, Willow uses a little magic to decorate the place, causing Tara to start nagging Willow a bit about her magic dependency. When Willow later tries using her enchanted ways Tara adds Giles' disapproval to her toolbox of guilt. Tara and Willow continue to bicker about all this magic until Willow gets smart and uses a little to make Tara forget. Smart lesbian. But bad, bad, bad.

The episode kept us interested through a relatively low-key storyline by alternating between Anya and Xander, Willow and Tara, and Dawn and Mr. Make-out. Thankfully, there were no condescending speeches for Dawn about getting to know a guy before going into the woods with him.

As next week's episode nears, I grow more and more giddy with anticipation. Singing and dancing and Spike, oh my!

By the way, this week's TV Guide has a bit on the excellent performance of Emma Caulfield as Anya. Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys her character.

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Sharon Goodson


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