Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Episode Air Date 10/23/01

What a let down! Here I was looking forward to the greatest surprise cross-over since George Clooney, only to get a bucket of chicken. As we left Sunnydale last week Buffy got a mysterious call from Angel and left to see him because he needed to talk to her. When we came back this week Buffy strolled in with a bucket of chicken said she didn't want to talk about Angel and that was that. (Angel did much the same thing the night before - editor) I'm sure Joss Whedon in all his wisdom has some grand plan, but I get impatient.

As Buffy explores means of income, Sunnydale's resident warlords take turns torturing her. Each take a shot at driving her crazy all the while spewing references to Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Files and everything else geeky. Between chuckling at the three geeks we got some giggling in as Buffy tried going back to school, working as a construction worker, and then selling mummy hands at the Magic Shop.

With the Slayer unemployed the only thing left for her to do is shots of whiskey with Spike in a romantically lit cave. I truly love this whole Spike-Buffy bonding. Not just because it ensures more screen time for James Marsters, but I enjoy the thought that Buffy prefers Spike's company to the Scooby Gang. Spike proved his trustworthiness last season, allowing for Buffy to turn to him for help on who's causing her to lose her marbles.

When you need answers about slayer-harassers you go to the local demon poker game of course. But while they didn't have any information for Buffy, they did have some adorable kittens, even if they were using them as currency. Speaking of demons, more and more of the costumed characters on Buffy look familiar. The critters that got Buffy fired from the construction site looked vaguely Predator-y. The three eyed guy that spike replaced in the poker game sure looked like a cousin of Ree-yees from Star Wars. (Oh yeah, who's the geek-ette now?)

Tonight's episode was light and funny but seemed to set the stage for important things to come. It looks like the Sunnydale Warlords will be the primary villains for a while. This should lead to more geekiness making us all feel validated for understanding the bizarre references. It appears we get to see Dawn make out next week. Mmmhmm.

And just two more weeks until… the musical! Yummy!

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Sharon Goodson


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