Buffy The Vampire Slayer

As You Were
UPN Episode Air Date

As we return to Sunnydale, Buffy is still slaving away at the Double Meat Palace while Xander and Anya fall within a week of their pending nuptials. Out of nowhere, in walks Riley.

Everyone dreads the return of the ex, but it's got to be a zillion times worse when you're wearing a hat with a cow on it. Riley's charming request for the Slayer's help, combined with that sexy new scar, cause Buffy to throw away her coveted position at the Palace in search of adventure and the chance to get some Riley action.

Riley is tracking a predatory creature on a mission to the Hellmouth to lay its eggs. While in town, he seeks Buffy's help in taking on the beast before the eggs are sold on the black market and the world is in danger.

At first Riley and Buffy do a little tracking, a little repelling, and a little butt kicking, reminding viewers of the good old days. The flirtatious banter between the two of them suggests a reuniting of the slayer and the government agent. That's about the time when his wife drops in. Yes, good old Riley got hitched to a hottie.

Mrs. Finn, Sam, is a fellow secret ops agent who is beautiful and down to earth. Too sweet to hate, and too strong to beat up. Buffy and Sam patrol together and have a chance to chat. When Buffy denies dating anyone seriously, Sam remarks that it's better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one.

Meanwhile, Anya and Xander have maxed out the premarital stress level. Her demon friends and his monstrous family are arriving in town to help with the wedding that is a week away (next week's episode). We've heard a lot about Xander's dysfunctional family, but never seen anything first hand. There's a definite chance his human family is scarier than Anya's impish friends. Regardless, the potential for humor runs high.

Buffy and Spike continue their illicit affair. She's still hiding her new beau from her friends and Dawn, though she admitted to Riley out loud that she's sleeping with him. This was after he walked in on them, but still, she said she was sleeping with him not that she slept with him. This implies some degree of ongoing relationship. (Yes, there is a bit of desperation in that argument.)

There is no way to have the coming discussion without giving away the ending. So, if you have not seen the episode and don't want to know how it ends, STOP READING NOW.

Buffy, feeling down about her life compared to Riley's, turns to Spike for attention and affection. This blatant example of her using him ends with Riley walking in on them and identifying Spike as the seller of the beastly eggs. As Buffy scrambles for clothing, defending Spike along the way, Riley finds the eggs in Spike's place. Buffy's disappointment in Spike is a projection of her disappointment with herself.

Once they blow up the hatchling creepy crawlies, Riley is free to take his wife onto their next exciting adventure kicking butt and saving lives. Before going Riley dispenses some wisdom on life. Combined with Sam's remark on dating, Buffy re-evaluates her relationship with Spike. She tells him outright that she's using him for her own weak selfishness and that things are simpler when she's with him, but that she can't live with herself if their relationship continues. Spike slowly realizes that this isn't just another attempt by Buffy to deny her physical attraction and takes on a look of horrific sadness.

The prospect of Riley coming back led some to suspect that Buffy would have to choose between a shameful carnal attraction and a respectable exciting guy. Everyone knew it couldn't last between Buffy and Spike, but the finality with which the relationship ended was startling. Not to mention that the alternative, Riley, was not an option either.

The direction of tonight's episode wasn't as smooth as usual. Writer/director Douglas Petrie seemed to use more multi angle scenes. The cutting back and forth gave some scenes a distant feeling. While this was useful in the final break up scene, implying a greater distance between Buffy and Spike, it caused other scenes to feel choppy. However, the scene where Riley leaves showed Xander, Willow and Dawn standing together with Buffy off to the side. It was another reminder of Buffy's growing alienation from the Scooby gang.

By flying solo again, Buffy has the opportunity to remind viewers why we all fell for her in the first place. Not because she gave in to physical weakness and convenience, but because she did what was right even if it was difficult. Buffy, as a strong single heroine, can remind us why her peers idolized her and vampires feared her. Or Buffy can develop true feelings for Spike and they can be together as equals and live happily ever after. There are those of us that need to keep the faith alive.

Next week: The wedding event! If you go to just one demonic wedding this year, make it this one.

Discuss this and more in the Fanboy forums.

Sharon Goodson


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