The Price
Episode Air Date 04/29/02

A lot of fans complained that last week’s Gunn-centric episode was too slow. Well, this generally forgettable episode makes that one seem like a new coaster at the leading theme park of your choice.

There’s not a lot to like in this episode (at times this reviewer even found the snoring patterns of his cuddling Labrador more interesting). The offenses range from the bandana in Cordy’s hair (they actually managed a way to make her look even worse) to characters speaking in exposition that rivals the opening lines of a classic Scooby Doo episode (“Well, here we are at the old hotel”). For example, Cordy and Angel share an early “here’s what happened before” exchange that dulls the real emotion that should infuse the scene. And there’s Gavin Park popping up a few scenes later for no apparent reason other than to bring up to date those viewers who missed the “previously on Angel” clip.

The main plot involving fluid-craving supernatural slugs is also weak. There is no suspense, and one never believes for a minute that the Fang Gang is in any real danger. The whole thing is nothing more than a shabby set-up for the return of Connor. Now, normally a good reviewer avoids revealing such spoilers. But any fan that didn’t see this coming is so clueless he probably also thinks Wolfram & Hart are the good guys.

As for that unique law firm, the episode falls short in this regard as well. In the past, glimpses into the inner politics and infrastructure of W&H have been very entertaining. Here, though, the bickering between Lilah and Gavin comes across like a soap opera. Lilah’s arachnid-based biometric security for her computer is the only bright spot.

Another good scene, although brief, is an encounter between Wesley and Gunn. It is interesting to hear, finally, Wesley’s point-of-view. His hardened attitude is more of an interesting surprise than any teen-aged so-called “Destroyer” falling through a portal with some dorky spike firing wrist-rocket strapped to his forearm.

Speaking of dorks, it’s time for Groo to head back to Pylea (or maybe become an interior decorator). His dumb, warrior-like musings are wearing thin. There is also zero chemistry between him and Cordelia, despite the pet names. Whether that is an accidental byproduct of the performers or an intentional direction of the script remains to be seen.

Hopefully, the price of Angel’s use of dark magic will be no more lame episodes.

Chris Crotty

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