original air-date: 04-11-04
Kind. Rewind: Lauren and her "Mum" killed Senator
Reed and then framed him for all Lauren's indiscretions. Sloane,
found to be working with Reed, had his pardon revoked and
will be executed
for us, the world didn't end with ABC's airing of the Nick
and Jessica Variety Hour. However, I am still viewing
this as a dark omen, so I may be buying out Sam's Club and
stocking up on supplies Y2k style. But, I'm paranoid, so you
might want to consider just riding it out.
a sign that all is not wrong with the world might be the fact
that this week's Alias was actually a pretty good episode
with a solid storyline and great attention to detail. Then
again this might be a fluke designed to throw us off course
and lull us into a false sense of security
Hey, I told
you I was paranoid.
of people with suspicions, this episode was full of them.
Syd's worries that Lauren might be betraying her former boy
toy come to a climax when she sees Lauren in a Berlin bar
taking out a hacker that was working with the Covenant to
locate the Passenger.
we move on, can I just say how much I loved this scene? Not
because it was well put together or action packed or anything
like that. No, this scene was awesome because for once in
this series, Sydney wasn't the only one in a ridiculous disguise!
Not only was Lauren in some seriously misguided attire, Vaughn
had to endure this form of fashion torture as well. If seeing
Boy Scout in eyeliner wasn't so damn funny, it might have
actually frightened me.
back to actual plot points, suspicious Syd informs virtuous
Vaughn of lying Lauren's appearance, and he, of course, refuses
to believe her. But, Jack's comparison of his marriage to
Vaughn's own gets him a little worried. So he does what any
doubting husband does and follows her around.
Vaughn takes action. This is a big step for Boy Scout. For
once he isn't being passive aggressive and it's cool because
watching Vaughn play the naïve good guy week after week
was getting a little tired. Thankfully, by the end of the
episode he knows what's going on. I'm hoping that Vaughn will
want a little bit of revenge now that he knows that his marriage
was a loveless sham, because how fun would that be? A pissed
off Vaughn might just make this Fangirl's season.
Even though
Vaughn did discover Wifey's misdeeds, one has to give credit
to Lauren for keeping up the charade the way that she did.
All the little details, the ways that she got around the truth,
were quite impressive. Which kind of makes the fact that her
cover was blown by a wig in the fake bottom of a suitcase
a little lame. One would figure she would have thrown the
hideous thing out after she was done with it, but I suppose
it can be overlooked.
god they got rid of Bomani. He wasn't an intimidating villain
or really all that interesting of a character and it was about
time that someone took him out. The fact that it was Sark
doing the job in order to save Lauren was more than a little
surprising. Could it be that Sark might actually have feelings
beyond lust for the little traitor? If you ask me, I'd say
it's doubtful, but Sark did seem affectionate towards Allison/Francie
when she was around, so it might be possible that he has a
heart somewhere in there. Granted, it's probably three sizes
too small, but a heart nonetheless.
enough, a heart-like device is what led Bomani and Sark on
their worldwide search for what is called "The Passenger."
Apparently, it's not some weapon like the CIA first feared,
but a woman. A woman that needs to be protected, particularly
from Sydney
Jack seems to think that it's Irina, but
methinks that the evidence points elsewhere especially since
Sloane's affair with Spy Mommy is mentioned yet again at the
end of the episode.
This might
be a clue as to what could happen in future episodes, but
in the meantime it serves as a great wedge between Jack and
Sloane. Jack had reason enough to hate Sloane before, but
this little detail makes takes the loathing to a whole other
level. You could just tell that Jack was dying to use some
of his torturing techniques on Sloane when he learned this
bit of information.
"Unveiled" was a good episode. It wasn't anything
spectacular, but it was still really solid and worth waiting
an extra hour to watch.
One note
to leave off on: I still hate Sydney's hair. I'm sorry, I
said I wouldn't mention it again, but time has not made this
situation any better. Can't something be done? A clip, perhaps?
Hair gel? Anything?