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Veronica Mars Season 4 ...From Wildstorm?

A very bad mock-up.
Graphics aren't my strong suit.
In the podcast last week, we talked about a rumor going around that television producer Rob Thomas, creator of the cult-favorite and recently cancelled Veronica Mars, had been seen at the DC offices. He confirmed that he had been exploring the possibility of continuing Veronica's adventures in comics form, a la the Dark Horse smash Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 8.

Since then, the comics sites haven't really been buzzing, but there's some obvious overlap in fandom, as the show boasts Kevin Smith and Joss Whedon as supporters. Sadly, that wasn't enough to keep it on the air, but...

While looking around the web for other things, I discovered the strangest confirmation of the comic book. Quietly buried in a TV gossip column on E! Online comes a letter from someone, we know not who, that works for DC.

Source "J" writes:

They'll be published by our Wildstorm imprint, which is based in San Diego, and R.T. is looking to be firmly on board. We're even hoping for a late fall release of the first issue.

So there you go, fans of the adorable Kristen Bell. A two-dimensional version of her is about to conquer the comics world. Keep an eye out!

Derek McCaw

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