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TRON: Legacy: The Next Day

This "leaked" onto YouTube today -- supposedly unofficially, but it wouldn't be the first time that Disney has used Flynn-like tactics to get people worked up about TRON stuff. In this case, it would be the upcoming April 5th release on Blu-ray of TRON and TRON: Legacy.

Possibly filling a gap between Legacy and the next film, if there is to be one, this ten minute short utilizes footage from viral efforts of a couple of years ago. I recognize an interview that Bruce Boxleitner did as Alan for IGN, and some shots from the event at WonderCon 2009. More interesting for me, this subtly shifts the meaning of the title for future films (just as they sort of did on Smallville) and reveals the fate of RAM!

He's not just an actuarial anymore!

Gaz... it's calling you...

Derek McCaw

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