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Teen Titans Go Widescreen

The audition line starts here...
According to The Hollywood Reporter, DC's Teen Titans is the latest of their properties to get optioned for the big screen, make us drool with anticipation, and then wait while somebody has to tell the producer "no, no polar bears, no giant spiders and no shaolin monks..."

Though really, we could probably include shaolin monks on this one.

In all seriousness, we've got good news and bad news on this. The bad news is that the guy that helped ruin Tim Burton's take on Batman, Akiva Goldsman, will be producing through his Weed Road Productions. The good news is that he's only producing, not writing. That chore has been handed over to Mark Verheiden, creator of Timecop and The Mask, who's also spent a lot of time overseeing Smallville and Battlestar Galactica . Soon we'll also be seeing his hopefully brilliant script in My Name Is Bruce.

Goldsman claims to want to keep this film in the vein of current productions like "...Batman Begins, Superman Returns and the upcoming Watchmen." (Notice there is no "the" in the title. Huzzah!) However, that might be bad news for the generation of fans who think of the supergroup in terms of Cartoon Network's animated series.

No official word has leaked as to which characters are supposed to be in the movie, but the article vaguely commits to Nightwing. You just know that Beast Boy has to be in there; two or three transformations would be money shots for the production. We'd also have to go with Starfire, because what producer in his right mind would pass the chance to have a hot orange alien princess in his film? Maybe we shouldn't answer that.

This of course follows on the heels of Warner Brothers' announcements in recent months of film adaptations of both Justice League and Metal Men. The Hollywood Reporter also cites Goldsman as developing Doom Patrol and The Losers.

Derek McCaw

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