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Marvel Asks: Who Is Gus Beezer?

No information has been given beyond this mysterious image.

If I had to hazard a guess, it looks like maybe, just maybe, Marvel is tapping into the youth market (is there still one?). From the looks of this image, Beezer may be a wish fulfillment of kids who want to hang out with Wolverine and Spider-Man, but whose parents don't want them to see Logan with his face hanging off. A perfectly understandable position to take.

Why do I think it's a kids' book? Because the outline looks like the title character from Nickelodeon's Hey, Arnold! And for the record, I think putting out a kids' book is a great idea.

Anyway, we will know more in a couple of weeks, but if anybody else believes they know something, let us know!

Derek McCaw

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