Jordan Rolls Over In His Grave...
Jack Black signs to play Kyle Rayner in Green
Lantern: The Movie
posted 7-16-04
laughing, too...
rumor has been floating around for a few days, and today
we got confirmation that it is absolutely true. Paul Levitz
announced to the DC staff that Jack Black has signed on
to play artist Kyle Rayner in the new Warner Brothers' comedy,
Green Lantern.
anecdotal evidence, it's long been obvious that the film
division of Time-Warner has never had a clue about Green
Lantern. Geoff Johns is just one of many who have told the
frightening tale of a development meeting in which an executive
asked if they really needed the ring. But this -- wow.
to be a wacky comedy along the lines of The Mask,
so far no production date has been set, as Black first has
to play the role of Carl Denham in Peter Jackson's King
Kong, and DC has to figure out a way to politely tell
their corporate masters "Thank you, sir, may I have
As far
as anyone knows at this point, this does not alter plans
for Geoff Johns' upcoming mini-series that will return Hal
Jordan to life and see him become Green Lantern again. It's
clear that unlike the thinking at Marvel Comics, it doesn't
much matter to Warner if the comic books resemble the movies...especially
since the comic books are so much better.
reminds me, I see Catwoman on Tuesday.