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David S. Goyer Hits Central City...

Could Ryan Reynolds wear the scarlet and the gold?
For a couple of weeks now, Blade: Trinity co-star Ryan Reynolds has been making himself into a Nicolas Cage for the twenty-first century, claiming to be up for the role of a couple of different comic book characters. First it was Deadpool, which Avi Arad has agreed would be a good idea. Then last week Reynolds started a rumor about being The Flash.

Well, today Variety didn't quite confirm that rumor, but it doesn't seem that far-fetched now. The entertainment industry newspaper instead broke the story that David S. Goyer, writer/director of Blade: Trinity, would be writing, directing and producing The Flash for Warner Brothers.

Before you freak out, remember a couple of things. Goyer is a good screenwriter, and he's good friends with current Flash comic book writer Geoff Johns, himself no stranger to Hollywood. The two worked a memorable run on JSA. So it's likely that Goyer would be true to the spirit of the character. If Goyer does use Reynolds, which Variety does not confirm, recognize that the erstwhile Van Wilder provided most of the bright spots in the recent Blade film. This could all work out to be a good thing.

But then, I'm optimistic that way.

At any rate, this does explain two recent developments on the WB. Last year, they had announced the commission of a Flash pilot, which disappeared without a trace. Then, in an episode of Smallville this season, a Flash did appear, but it was Bart Allen, the character now known in comics as Kid Flash. Clearly, DC and Warner Brothers were keeping the public's mind clear for a big-screen adaptation.

This might also explain the curious absence of The Flash from the first season of the animated Justice League Unlimited after being integral to the original animated series. Then again, that may have more to do with actor Michael Rosenbaum's plans for world domination.

What do you think? Talk about it in the forums!

See? He fits right in with the Blade franchise...

Derek McCaw

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