Criswell Predicts...
Here's a funny bit from Northern California TV personality (and convention staple) Mr. Lobo, who has a calling near and dear to my heart -- he's one of the few, the proud, the remaining TV horror hosts. Here, he recreates Criswell, the television psychic from the 50s, and apparently he's been doing it for a while.
Why, you might ask? Because Mr. Lobo has been shooting a remake of the one movie no one thought would ever be remade...Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Will it be more competent this time around? All I know for sure when I last talked to Lobo was that this would be more ...action-packed. We'll see... but this made me laugh.
Criswell Predicts! #10 - TV Consolidation from Darkstone Entertainment on Vimeo