Big Hero 6 Character Posters Released
Posted 6/29/2014
Sure, we're excited by the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its next installment, Guardians of the Galaxy. But the acquisition of Marvel by Disney opened up another world of possibilities, one in which the characters don't have to live in the same universe as everybody else, where a good concept that maybe hadn't yet clicked with comics readers could click somewhere else in the transmedia empire.
And so... Big Hero 6.
Opening November 7 in the U.S., this animated film creates a new world for new superheroes, instead of one that is tortuously and tangentially connected to the X-Men. (Originally, they were a team supporting Sunfire, who was one of the original New X-Men and... well, never mind.)
They've been redesigned. They're in their own world. And it looks like fun.
These posters leaked through a site in Argentina, JPosters, and they're just too cool not to share.
But I'm also putting a comparison of the original character designs out there, because the collected edition of Big Hero 6 by Chris Claremont and David Nakayama is no doubt what made this property attractive to Disney in the first place, and is possibly still available at your local comics shop (as well as in individual issues if you must). Check it out!