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Planet Buzz Today's Date:

Ant-Man Moves Up To July 17, 2015

And why not?

Marvel just announced that next summer's biggest little movie will now be released two weeks earlier than anticipated. Perhaps because he would be too busy invading August picnics for public appearances, Ant-Man will now be released on July 17, 2015 instead of the previously announced July 31.

They officially credit this to the "courtesy of director Edgar Wright," which probably means he agreed to it. On the other hand, he has been working on this movie with co-writer Joe Cornish since at least 2006.

It makes perfect sense. The excitement around Ant-Man has been growing and growing, and an August release tends to mean lower summer box office -- July 17th is prime real estate, also timed to the chaos of Comic-Con, for whatever that may mean. Oh, and by the way, that's also the release date Warner's Superman/Batman just ran away from.

Marvel would also like to remind you that Captain America: The Winter Soldier on April 4, 2014; Guardians of the Galaxy on August 1, 2014 (hang on, true believers -- that date just might change to somewhere in July); Avengers: Age of Ultron on May 1, 2015; and an unknown movie (Black Panther? Dr. Strange? Obnoxio the Clown?) on May 6, 2016.

That's right -- on the date that Warner Brothers just staked out as the new release for Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman/Metamorpho because I can make up anything I want to at this point since who knows if they'll actually execute a plan?

We shall see...

Derek McCaw

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