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An Old Jordan Rosa Review Rebuked…

Hey, do some research; The Charger in The Fast and the Furious was not a 69, it was a 1970!. I am 15 years old and I don't know much about cars. Come on, it's almost common knowledge.

--Rocco Mellenchek

Jordan couldn't respond; he was too busy slinking away with his tail between his legs. We couldn't respond; we were too busy being horrified that Jordan does indeed have a tail between his legs.

Actually, Jordan did the research here - according to the website for the film, that Charger was indeed a '69. So take that, Mr. Don't Know Much About Cars Mellenchek.

Everybody else start chanting: fight, fight, fight…

A Recent Jordan Rosa Review Rebuked…

A buck fifty!?! For xXx? That's not even enough for the jujubes!

--Peter Yom

We bring our own from home, Mister Gotrocks.

The Mark of Kane…

First off, love the column, just thought I'd tell you that as a little brown-nosing intro. Secondly I was just wondering, is that the same guy that plays Kane, because

  • 1. It didn't sound like him, even though in the past he has had the mask to cover his mouth, which distorts his voice some, but it still sounded like a different guy.
  • 2. He looks smaller, not only in height, but in his overall build. Now Kane didn't have as big a gut as Taker does, not by a long shot, but he did have what I refer to as a fuel tank (at least that's what I tell my wife mine is).
  • 3. He seems waaaayyy too happy to be Kane; he smiled like three times in less than two minutes! Now sure, Kane has done some comedy bits in the past, my favorite was when he had a tag match with bubba ray dudley and they both did the "WHASSSAAP!!" thing, that killed me, but this is like they hopped him up on nitrous before the match.

    I could be wrong, but it just seems like a different guy.


    Goodson answers:

    Hey, thanks for the brown nosing. It's always appreciated!

    That was Glenn Jacobs under the Kane mask on Monday. He's the only man to ever play Kane with the one time exception of The Undertaker under the suit. Before his injury Kane was under pressure to lighten the load a little if you know what I mean. During his time off, he probably hit the gym to lose that "fuel tank."

    As for the happiness, blame the writers who simply lost track of the character that made Kane cool. It would be funny if after months of brooding and brutal matches Kane did some comedy bit (like the WAZZAP thing) but it's not funny if he just does comedy bits. The writers were trying to change his character before the injury and it looks like they got their mind set on doing it. God only knows why.

    Thanks for writing. Wrestling opinions dished out 24 hours a day.

    Praising Charlie Wentling…

    Just letting you know that you're right on target as far as reviewers go.

    Sojourn and Negation are 2 of the best reads out there. I'm about to drop Sigil. It seems to be going nowhere and boredom is setting in. I'll probably just check out the end of the war, which should be the next couple of issues.

    Good job and thanks.

    --David Busby

    We KNEW Somebody Out There Thought Like Derek…

    You might be interested that at least some of the Martian creatures (the Sorns anyway) in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are from C.S. Lewis' Mars story Out of the Silent Planet; find out more here

    Yes, same chap as the Narnia books.

    I didn't know about Gullivar of Mars. Is he as much like Lawrence of Arabia in the original novel, do you suppose?

    I haven't been through the backup feature much, but surely 'Christian' is from The Pilgrim's Progress. And Prospero is from The Tempest, but he's reported as living too recently.

    --Paddy Smith

    Yeah, I avoided annotating the back-up feature because it would have burned out my search engine. Your two guesses on the earlier League's membership are spot on. Issue #2's back-up reiterates Prospero's identity in case anyone missed it.

    As for Gullivar of Mars, I haven't actually read the novel, and only dimly recall the Gil Kane adaptation from Marvel. Like too much great literature, I've only read the comic book version, but I can't really tell you anything about it.

    Curses. Exposed.

    Thanks for reading and writing, and please remember that if anything sparks your interest on Fanboy Planet, we want to hear about it!


    Derek McCaw

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