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Mail Call Today's Date:

It's spraining our arms patting ourselves on the back week, as we've got a few letters from pros that appreciate what we've said about them. If you don't like our crowing, WRITE!

Grand Theft Vampire

Thanks for the insightful review of Bite Club # 1. And thanks for not judging the book based on its cover. And as a matter of fact, you are right, when the editor approached me with the project, she said "Make the art look similar to the art on the Grand Theft Auto poster." I'm glad you noticed!

David Hahn
Artist on Bite Club

Jason Schachat would reply, but he's too busy blushing warmly and preparing for E3. That could just be the alcohol.

We're King of the World! But Rob Still Made A Mistake....

Hey, Robert, I just read your review of our little book Rex Mundi, and just wanted to say thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

I would like to point out, however, that Arvid is not the layout artist on the book. I do my layouts based on his scripts. Arvid listed himself as "layout" in the book meaning that he had done most of the layout of the TPB itself, like the titles page, as an example. He used the term not
realizing that "layout" has a very specific connotation to comic book readers, reviewers, and such.

Anyway, thanks again.

-- EricJ

A reasonable error on Rob's part, then. Mr. Sparling, please accept our apologies for the rabid ferret coming in the mail.


Thanks for letting me shill. And exploit my kittens.

-- Glen David Gold

We take no moral stance on kitten exploitation, unless there's money involved. Then we want a cut.

He Loves Us Again!

Thanks. Truly.

-- Brian Michael Bendis

One day, we will get that interview...

But to do that, we must continue growing in power until Bendis has no choice but to submit. You can help. Keep reading. Keep telling people. And then tell us you told people by WRITING US AN EMAIL!

Derek McCaw

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