Comic-Con 2015:
Wednesday Afternoon
Wednesday is an interesting day for Comic-Con. The long lines begin, but they're really more for picking up a badge rather than getting into anything other than the Exhibit Hall. And yes, as more than a few people have figured out, there's a lot to see without ever setting foot in the hall.
Things like...
You know you're in San Diego when...

Something about this picture feels wrong, but the show looks good.

Entertainment Weekly both shoots a video and trains its crew to hand out the free tie-in issue...

Heroes Reborn provides an interactive experience, though many of these have turned out to be green-screen photo ops instead of real experiences...

Very specifically color-coded, too. Are the Heroes Reborn actually Power Rangers?

The finishing touches...

Yes, the Hard Rock SD has LEGO all over it...

Another angle on that cool Dimensions poster... five franchises colliding (assuming Homer is wearing Ninjago armor)...

We understand that in other times, some sportsball happens here...

... but for this weekend, it's just one big nerd party!

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