Comic-Con 2015:
Images of Thursday
Thursday was a day I got to focus on comics, in the form of running from publisher to publisher for a few interviews, and making sure that creators that have been kind to Fanboy Planet were around so we could say hi.
And then, occasionally I'd run across something that was simply cool.
Not even Ming the Merciless could get the crowds to part politely... but at least I got a photograph.

This is not a political endorsement from Fanboy Planet, just an acknowledgment that Bernie Sanders' supporters tried to engage Comic-Con attendees on our terms... and I appreciate that.

Stopped by and picked up a book from Batton Lash (more on that later). Why isn't there a Supernatural Law TV series?

New Yorker cartoonist and graphic novelist Marisa Acocella Marchetto -- we took good pictures of each other taking pictures of each other. Her latest work is Ann Tenna (check the Amazon links below).

Rafael Navarro and Mike Wellman, the creators of Guns A'Blazin' -- a fun, time-traveling post-apocalyptic prehistoric Western with dinosaurs. Mike is also one of the proprietors of The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach and Culver City, California.

Only the bravest of children would turn their back on Thanos... a great costume and make-up job by the Cinema Make-up School.

A shot from within the Dark Horse booth... yes, that's Archie vs. Predator up there.

Two journalists in costume... maybe we should think about that for next year...

At the Dark Horse booth with Christos Gage, writer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 10.

James Farr, writer of Dark Horse's Rexodus, imitating one of his hyperevolved disaurians. James also just dropped a cool game for the Android and Apple iOS, "Brawl of Cthulhu."

With Tony Parker and Paul Cornell, co-creators of This Damned Band, coming in August from Dark Horse Comics -- and well worth the read!

The good news is I just saved a fortune on Super-Soldier Formula...

Guys, guys... the Zombie Apocalypse isn't scheduled until Saturday...

Yes, it's a billboard for ants...

A lull in the line for Hall H allows Wreck-It Ralph some Wreck-it Respite...

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