Comic-Con 2015:
Still So Much To See On Saturday...
Saturday usually ends up being the most cosplay heavy, as the Masquerade takes place that night. It's also usually the point I can stop and see what has been set up in the Convention Center. This year, it also became the year that somehow religious protesters managed to be everywhere I went outside, and while I respect their commitment to their faith, it did also set up some odd juxtaposiitions as I took pictures.
AMC (and other networks) may indeed be The Walking Dead themselves as Amazon launches yet another must-watch show...

There's something strangely apropos noticing a sign saying "Flee from the wrath to come" then realizing Animal is a hundred feet high behind the protester...

He's King of Hall C...


The great thing about these costumes is that it might actually have been Ryan Reynolds in either one of them...

Not to be critical, but he does need angrier eyebrows...

Nothing goes over his head...

I saw the future...

Every year I see a Patriot and wonder why Marvel doesn't do more with the character...

But then, I wonder the same thing about The Rocketeer...

Maybe it's time for a serious revival...

If only I had found a Teen Titan as well...

This Colony convoy was actually delivering bottled water to pedestrians in the Gaslamp District... I'd seen zombies harass passers by, and no one batted an eye. But this, the police asked to move along.
I ended the day trapped in an elevator of Outlanders... and yes, there was a moment of fear when I realized there were bagpipes somewhere in that scrum...