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Comic-Con 2015 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2015:
All-New All-Different Marvel Page 6

Continuing down Marvel's list...

The Hood has been an interesting concept dancing around the edge of the Marvel Universe. It's interesting to try a new crime book, but wait a minute... Forever Evil was last year over at DC...

Brian Michael Bendis takes a turn reviving the Armored Avenger -- and if he says he's having fun, we'll believe him.

Let's see who the new post-Secret Wars Tony Stark turns out to be... as long as he's not a teenager from the past.

Warren. Ellis.

The flaw in all things.

This may not be a huge hit, but people will be talking about this book for years to come, and it's worth taking a guess now that Karnak will play a big role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Crushed it? Hells yeah, you did.

Let's see more of this, please. Thanks..

Page 7: New Avengers, Nova, Old Man Logan, Sam Wilson Captain America


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Derek McCaw



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