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WonderCon 2014 Today's Date:

WonderCon 2014:

Steph Rodriguez captures a day in Anaheim -- interesting booths, a little cosplay, a celebrity sighting or two and good lord, the convention center itself! (All photos by Steph Rodriguez; occasionally snarky captions by editor-in-chief Derek McCaw.)

A view from the top...fans winding their way toward paradise....

Once inside... my god, the space....

Anaheim's Equivalent of Hall H... "The Arena"... click for panaroma view...

The Nerdist Industries booth demonstrated 3-D printing...

Troubled heroes gather..

Using hardware for a new form of action figue...

This young man is happy about his steampunk Nerfgun... that'll change....

This seems an innovative way to store your action figures thematically....

And somewhere out there, a whole lotta fanfics just came true..

Oh, crap. I didn't see that angel first time around...

Do products like this give you hope for our future or destroy it?

Heading toward the Arena....

Elizabeth Mitchell and Stephen Collins made Revolution seem like a series that deserves a second chance....

Day 1 Intro

Derek McCaw



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