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Salt Lake City 2014 Today's Date:

Salt Lake City Fan-X 2014, Part Two:
Cosplay In The Heart Of Utah

It's time to get back to the photo files sent over by Yong-Chan Kim from Salt Lake City. As we get ready for Big Wow! Comic Fest in San Jose, which has a huge emphasis on cosplay with several well-known cosplayers as guests, it helps to remember that they're everywhere.

And that's a good thing, people strutting their stuff, showing their creativity and honoring the shows, books, games, etc. that make them happy and in some cases provide inspiration.

Here below, from Yong-Chan Kim's camera, are some of the costumes that caught his eye.

A little crossover with the R2 Builder's Club... but that Speeder Trooper looks like he has a hair trigger....

The Joker has to be around here somewhere...

Someone has been raised on a steady diet of Dark Horse Star Wars comics...

Someone ELSE looking for The Joker...

I will agree with Yong -- best costume I've seen in 2014 so far.

Worth a second look..

Third time's the charm, and it's more stable than the actual ones in the movie....

Okay, maybe that was SECOND best......

Almost looks a little out of time...

Maybe I shouldn't be, but I'm terrified of that Ewok...

..We miss him, too...

Well, guess that mangy Ewok got the best of him...

Like the bags, Wolvie..SSHHHHNNNKKK..gurgle..


Yong-Chan Kim



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